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Why use a Buyer's Agent?

As professional buyer’s agents, we recognise that many people can find and purchase their own place. Like any outsourced service, we exist to help those who:

  • Don’t have the time to search and inspect properties or have been searching for a long time
  • Lack the specialised market information and agent relationships to find and purchase a property
  • Have been unsuccessful in buying a property through auction or negotiation
  • Don’t have experience attending auctions or negotiating property deals
  • Have a deadline for buying a property

Through a professional buyer’s agent, you can save time and money, avoid costly mistakes, and get access to more properties:

Save time and money

How much time do you spend looking for properties? All those evenings looking through listings to see if one will suit? Are you sick of spending your Saturdays inspecting properties? A buyer’s agent does all of that for you.

We help you get the result that you’re looking for. Sydney can be a fast moving market where properties get snatched up even before their first inspection. A trained professional can help you to secure the house or unit that you want by negotiating on your behalf.

Avoid costly mistakes

A property purchase is a large financial commitment. There are so many ways you can lose money or pay too much. Do you know where the gotchas are? How do you figure out how much a property is really worth? What are the risks of buying a particular property?

We help you to determine the value of a property, understand drivers in the local market, perform due diligence, and negotiate the terms and price of a property purchase. There's so many things that can, and do, go wrong. It's our job to help you to navigate and avoid the pitfalls that cost you money.

Access more properties

Over the years, we’ve diligently built our network of real estate agents. We’re in daily contact with agents to secure your property. This often means we get access to pre-market and off-market listings that most people wouldn’t hear about. However, there is often fools gold hidden in these off-market opportunities, and it takes an experienced operator to be able to tell the difference.

The challenge facing buyers

We’ve worked with both home buyers and investors for many years, and the challenges they face are often similar. Whether you’re a first home-buyer, a downsizer, someone who’s looking to upgrade a family home, or you’re an investor looking to add to your portfolio, some common questions include:

  • How do I find the right property for me?
  • How much is it likely to sell for?
  • What sort of due-diligence do I need to do?
  • How do I understand the agent’s guide price?
  • Should I wait until the auction, or should I offer pre-auction?
  • How do I know I’m getting a good deal?
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How we help

Sellers have the support of a selling agent, so why shouldn’t buyer’s also have support for such a big decision?

We use our local knowledge, strong relationships with local selling agents, as well as our long property experience to help clients navigate what is often such a tricky and stressful process.

Some of the things we do differently to many other buyers agents:

  • We compliment our on the ground and local knowledge with a sizeable investment in customised paid data and research, which helps us understand the nuances of the local market and gain insights not otherwise easily available
  • As a Sydney based buyer’s agent, we focus our attention on a limited geographical area
  • We consciously limit the number of clients we work with at any one time, and we never take on a brief that competes with an existing client
  • We’re not under any pressure to ensure a client is progressed quickly. There’s no set amount of time a search takes, and we never pressure clients to settle on a property that doesn’t suit their needs, just to get them off the books
  • We give access to a customised property portal to each of our clients, so they can easily see what properties we’re looking at, and quickly access relevant property information (eg. walk through videos)
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